Vn Talent
Improving the existing platform's efficiency by centralizing data and communication, streamlining influencer management, and addressing users' frustrations.

VN Talent

A user-centric SaaS platform redesigned to empower brands, agencies and influencers in influential marketing
Dec 2021 -2022 June
Primary Product Designer
  • 1 x VP of Product
  • 1x Product Manager
  • 8+ Engineers
  • 2+ Data Analysts
  • 1x Visual Designer
  • Conceptualisation
  • User Research
  • Design Exploration
  • High Fidelity Mockups
  • User testing
  • Design Hand Off
Viral Nation's Influsoft was initially created as an influencer marketing platform; however, its limited functionality and user experience led teams to depend on external tools for managing campaigns. The primary goal of this project was to redesign Influsoft into a comprehensive, all-in-one solution tailored to the needs of influencer marketing agencies.
The redesign focused on enhancing user adoption, satisfaction, and task completion rates by streamlining user interactions, consolidating essential features, and providing a more efficient and engaging platform for both brands and influencers.

Navigating complexity though strategic collaboration

Embarking on the Influsoft project presented a unique challenge, as the product owner aimed to create a comprehensive tool catering to talent managers, influencers, and brand managers simultaneously.  Product Owner wanted to do alot and I was too eager and jumped right into building out wireframes based on what he said he wanted.We got the feedback from developers and shareholders that this was way too complicated a project for our development team to accomplish in a reasonable time period.
To tackle the complexity and varied user needs within a single platform, we came up with a plan to prioritize features and functionalities. We choose to focus on the talent manager perspective for Phase 1, ensuring their needs were thoroughly addressed before moving on to other user groups. This approach allowed us to allocate resources efficiently, maintain focus on essential aspects of the platform, and adjust the scope as needed to achieve optimal results within the given constraints.

Defining success through business goals and user needs

The goal is to revamp Influsoft into a comprehensive platform that enhanced user experience, brought together crucial functionalities, and boosted overall efficiency.
Increase user adoption among different teams
Reduced dependency on third-party tools like Google Suite and HubSpot
Improved customer satisfaction among the daily users.
Enhancing Task completion Rate within the platform to increase productivity and effectiveness.

User research: uncovering challenges and opportunities

Through an extensive research process, we conducted the following to better understand the challenges faced by talent managers, coordinators, and other teams using Influsoft. Our findings revealed that users were frequently searching for the same information multiple times a day, often asking clients repetitive questions, leading to frustration.
This enabled me to comprehend their daily tasks, interactions with the current Influsoft 1.0, and the various tools they employed, including Excel, HubSpot, and other briefs. The insights highlighted the need for a more efficient, centralized system to streamline communication and information retrieval within the platform.
user interviews
Contextual Inquiries
Platform Audit

Insights we discovered

Time wasted updating redundant information
Users stuck with dependencies on other teams
Using multiple tools for communication
Key solutions : Addressing key challenges and improving efficiency
We identified issues such as the lack of a centralized location for campaign information, a cluttered interface, and limited customization options. These findings guided our wireframe designs for an improved CRM system.
Our wireframes focused on a centralized dashboard, a cleaner interface, and a customizable form and workflow system. These designs aimed to address the issues found during the platform analysis.

User Testing revealed the need for a multi-step form design, more customization options, and simplified language. Stakeholder feedback reinforced these findings, helping us refine our designs further.
Collaboration & Constraints: Working with the team, we faced constraints like limited development resources and the need for seamless integration with the existing platform. Balancing customization and consistency was also a challenge.
Final SolutionThe final CRM solution included a multi-step form with customization options, a centralized dashboard for campaign information, and an intuitive interface with simplified language, catering to a wider range of users.
Previous designs
Redesigned Effort
Centralized crm with flexible campaign creation and custom fields
⚠ Disclaimer: Please be advised that this project contains sensitive information, and some parts of the details might be hidden. If you have specific questions regarding my process, please contact me.
Upon analyzing the current Influsoft platform, we discovered that the influencer discovery process was time-consuming and required users to navigate through multiple pages to gather information. The search and filtering options were limited, making it difficult for users to find the right influencers for their campaigns.
Upon analyzing the current Influsoft platform, we discovered that the influencer discovery process was time-consuming and required users to navigate through multiple pages to gather information. The search and filtering options were limited, making it difficult for users to find the right influencers for their campaigns.

Hence we streamlined the Influencer discovery user flow to make they can easily complete the required task.
We introduced an improved search functionality with advanced filters and sorting options, allowing users to find influencers more efficiently. The wireframes also showcased a consolidated view of influencer profiles, including their social media statistics, content, and engagement rates.
Upon conducting usability tests and gathering feedback from stakeholders, we identified a few areas for improvement. Stakeholders suggested incorporating additional filter options to further narrow down the influencer search and adding a "Save Influencer" feature for quick access in the future. Usability tests revealed that users preferred a more visual representation of influencer profiles and data, as well as a more intuitive navigation structure.
The improved search functionality, advanced filters, and visually appealing representation of influencer profiles allowed users to find and select influencers more efficiently. The "Shortlist" feature further enhanced the overall user experience, making it easier for users to manage their influencer campaigns.
Previous designs
Redesigned Effort
We redesigned a more comprehensive shortlist which can be used to easily share interested influencer list internally or externally enabling enabling multiple teams to start work simultaneously.
Previous designs
Redesigned Effort
⚠ Disclaimer: Please be advised that this project contains sensitive information, and some parts of the details might be hidden. If you have specific questions regarding my process, please contact me.
We looked at Hubspot's unified communication system as inspiration, as it effectively centralizes communication within the platform, making it easy for users to access all necessary information in one place. This approach ensures seamless communication and information flow among team members, preventing data loss and enhancing overall efficiency.
We collaborated with the development team to understand the technical constraints and possibilities for integrating a centralized communication system within Influsoft. One of the main challenges we faced was ensuring a secure and reliable communication system without compromising performance or overloading the platform. We also had to consider other factors such as scalability, seamless integration, data storage as well as real time communication before development.
With the insights gained from the analysis and collaboration, we designed wireframes that showcased a centralized communication system within Influsoft. The wireframes illustrated an integrated chat feature, email synchronization, and a campaign-specific communication hub, allowing users to collaborate and share information within the platform effectively.
Previous designs
Redesigned Effort
The integrated chat feature, email synchronization, and campaign-specific communication hub provided a seamless and organized way for users to collaborate and access information. The addition of notification settings and improved search functionality further enhanced the user experience, leading to a more efficient and streamlined communication process within the platform.
⚠ Disclaimer: Please be advised that this project contains sensitive information, and some parts of the details might be hidden. If you have specific questions regarding my process, please contact me.
The phased design approach for the Influsoft project, despite causing a delay in its launch, has proven to be highly successful with the internal MVP version receiving positive feedback. By focusing on specific user groups and features in each phase, we were able to concentrate on addressing the most critical needs and pain points, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

This success validates the decision to adopt a phased approach, which allowed us to prioritize and allocate resources efficiently while ensuring a more refined and effective platform for our users.
User satisfaction
NPS scores showed up how much the teams preferred the new designs
User Adoption
for different teams across Viral nation were improved
was saved reducing the dependency on third party tools

Project takeaway

Getting diverse perspectives to improve overall process
Before designs go into client review and development cycle, having validation sessions with cross functional teams, all in one room - improves the overall design process and experience.
Prioritization is key
If features or ideas don’t get implemented during the current release, it’s not the end of the world. By looking for opportunities to make further refinements in future release, you are focusing oto solve the most important challenge in the first phase.
Clarity comes from knowing limitations
in order to master the purpose of the product, you must know the limitations of the product. By knowing what your product cant’s do, you eliminate distractions and clarify purpose.
What do we need next ?
Mobile MVP :Try to identify the use cases of where and how users can access information on the fly using mobile applications.
Accessibility :more robust assessment needed to evaluate accessibility
What have we not considered?
We also need to be weary of security issues and cyber attacks that can creep up as lot of confidential information would be stored on the platform.

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